With the increasing quest for knowledge, good quality medical and health information has never been more important.
I am TheNurseWriter.com – one of the originals when clients began realizing that having a healthcare professional write health and wellness content is a good investment. As a registered nurse, I took a long career in caring for and communicating with patients and their families and brought my experience to the written word. Since moving from clinical care to print, I have written thousands of pieces of content for online and print outlets, ranging from cover articles, blogs, columns, web copy, and newsletters aimed toward consumers and medical professionals. Not that long ago, I took on a second “name,” as a client called me a Patient Whisperer. I liked that! So, I’m a nurse, a writer, and a patient whisperer.
Aside from working with clients, I co-founded a project called Decipher Your Health with friend and colleague, Karin, Molander, MD, FACEP. We decided that it was time for the public to have a better understanding of healthcare, from how to choose a healthcare provider to how to understand test results and electronic health record notes, so everyone can optimize their healthcare. You can find us at DecipherYourHealth.com. I also started a passion project of sorts, a website about a rare condition called Burning Mouth Syndrome. I’ve been living with this condition for many years, and I felt we needed as much information as possible in one place: Burning Questions About BMS.
Whether you’re looking for a health writer, a medical or health content creator, a ghostwriter, or a “nurse writer,” you’ve come to the right place. Click on the “about me” tab to learn about me, what I can do, and why people hire me. Hover over that tab and you will see links to my work.
Do you take prescription drugs? Do you give prescription medicines to someone you are caring for? Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Drugs & How to Take Them Safely solves the mysteries behind the shorthand on prescriptions, and answers many questions that people have when they have to take medications. Now available! Hover over “About Me & My Work” and click on My Books to learn more. And listen to an interview about why I wrote the book. Need more convincing on how great this book is? The summer issue of PainPathways Magazine has listed my book, Just the Right Dose on its helpful products and resources page!

A Bit About My Name
If you aren’t sure about how to say my name, don’t worry – you’re not the first to wonder. I was born in Canada of Dutch parents. “Marijke” is a Dutch name. Phonetically, my name is said muh-rye´-kah/keh. Listen to an audio clip of how to pronounce my name.
Why Hire Me
With my experience as a registered nurse, I bring to my writing a unique understanding of both professional and general public audiences.
I am a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ), the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA), and the Authors Guild. I am also a member of the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and am registered with the Ordre des infirmiers et infirmières du Québec (Order of Nurses of Quebec).
My Other Websites and Blogs
Marijke: nurse turned writer, is a personal blog about health issues in the news, with a bit of freelance writing information thrown in. It hasn’t been updated for many years, but it is still popular because of some evergreen topics that I have written about.
I am an avid quilter, working with fabric and color for many years. I’ve also written about quilting. To see my quilting world, my site is My Creative Quilts.
Whether you are targeting a professional audience or the general public, you’ve come to the right place. I have been quoted as a subject matter expert in many articles related to nursing care, certain types of illnesses, and wellness. I was a contributing professional to The Doctors Book of Natural Healing Remedies, by the editors of Prevention. You can see some of my tips from the book in this slideshow, 24 First Aid Supplies You Should Always Have on Hand, published by Prevention.
If you’re looking for general writing, editing, and proofreading, I can do that too.